Upload Students in NAFTrack
You can upload an individual student in NAFTrack by:
- Go to Manage Students
- Select the academy from the Academy drop-down box you would like to add the student to
- Click Add New Student button on the right side
- Enter all the student details in the form that pops up
- Then click Add Student
To upload multiple students or entire rosters, please follow these steps: (Please carefully review these steps)
- Go to Upload Students
- Determine whether you will include academy IDs in the upload process. If you are linked to multiple districts or academies, you will be able to upload students across any of them. If you don't know the academy ID number, use the Academy ID List button to find your ID#.
- Use the Download Template button to download the excel spreadsheet you will need to fill out with student information
- The Allowable Values button will display a screen with the ONLY allowable options you can use in each cell of the upload sheet
- If you select "Yes" to include academy IDs, be sure you have the correct district chosen, and click the Browse button to choose your file
- If you select "No", please choose the academy in the following menu box, then click Browse to choose your file
- Once you have your file, click Upload Selected File
- You may be prompted to review/edit any errors that are detected. All errors (in red) must be fixed before the upload can be completed.
- Once all errors have been fixed and updated, click Finish Upload. This button only becomes available once there are no errors in the upload.
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